Viewers would be pleased to know that this is another movie adapted from a critically acclaimed young adult book trilogy written by Rick Yancey.

It proved difficult to identify that Cassie was intended to be the main character as more screen time was given to Sammy's experiences in the army which was far more interesting, albeit absurd, than Cassie meeting an untrustworthy older love interest played by Alex Roe. Throughout the film scenes cross between perspectives of Cassie and Sammy. Rating: PG-13 (Language|Brief Teen Partying|Some Sci-Fi Thematic Elements|Violence and Destruction) Forced to trust each other, Cassie and Evan fight for survival during the fifth assault from the invaders. Fate leads her to form an alliance with Evan Walker (Alex Roe), a mysterious young man who may be her last hope.
Separated from her family, Ohio teenager Cassie Sullivan (Chloë Grace Moretz) will do whatever it takes to reunite with her brother Sam. The human race stands on the brink of extinction as a series of alien attacks decimate the planet, causing earthquakes, tsunamis and disease.